
Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Creamy Blue's Hit The Spot

Blue Vein is a pretty polarising cheese. Like Angelina Jolie to some, running your fingers down a black board for others. It usually takes time, patients and little bit of subliminal dirty work from a friend to introduce blue vein styles to the unsuspecting.

I normally like to sneak blue cheeses in somewhere, like a salad; unseen, unknowing and slowly but surely BAM! you've got 'em: hopefully.  But it does take practice.

No one would expect to jump into a Barrossa Shiraz when normally all they drink is Moscato. Find the place and find the time. A nice crusty bread and a smooth Muscat to round off the edges will hit the spot.

Saint Agur, made by the French dairy giant Bongrain is not likely to be one of those cheeses that is made for your newbie. This is for the keen foodie ready to take a step up from the simple creamy cheeses to something special without trekking all the way to the peak of cheeses like Roquefort. A double cream style, the creaminess of the cheese rounds out the pepper hot notes and leaves a sweet but pecant length that will hang around for ever.

Being a French cheese there is always advertising: didn't know cheese was an aphrodisiac, but check this TV ad out;

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