
Friday, 22 February 2019

I Always Wished I Had Finished That Book

The idea of creating a novel is most certainly not novel. Anybody with a sense of creativity will at sometime in their life wanted to write themselves some type of book.  My presumption is that most of those that started this endeavor didn't expect that it would be published because they knew it would never be finished.

They found a quiet time in their life to get started on a very good idea, but life got in the way. Work, children, mental blanks and a vast array of other impediments placed the creative juices to a remote background. And with that, let's see if I have the capability to finish my endeavor. Historical Non-fiction is my attempt.

My interest in history goes back to a very young age. The only subject that I can recall being of more interest to me prior was astronomy. As I became a teenager, I reached my limit with astronomy when faced with the onslaught of baffling mathematics. And there it ended. Apart from an occasional space shuttle exploding, my interest in Astronomy disappeared.

History and it's connection to human nature has been a great fascination.  As a deep student of history I am endlessly frustrated with people who form opinions about historical figures or events based on how they feel rather than facts. If they did would we have wars? Probably.

Over the coming months I will start posting chapters of my attempt at a historical non-fiction called "A Tissue, A Tissue, We All Fall Down". When a medieval doctor is faced with the coming of the Black Death in the 14th century, how does he and his family survive?

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